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The world of Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson- one of my top favourite inspirations for this project.


Anderson creates a world of the 'quirky ', with a sense of childlike naivety. He is known from his childlike naivety and curious endeavors from films such as  The Moonrise Kingdom to his fast paced nostalgic world of The Grand Budapest Hotel.  I absolutely adore the way he founds beauty in the little things as the featurette (Youtube, 2014) shows. When being asked about how the hotel was created, he simply replies with 'I found the hotels that I liked- the way they were..' This is crucial, when understanding Anderson's style and aesthetics, as he prefers the simplicity of normality. Nothing too dolled up, but natural. Which is something I intend to do with my  project. Keeping it natural, having natural light, natural quirky every-day objects, and playing around with the characters as much as possible. 

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